





内容:1.Cats are everywhere. There are cats in offices, cafes, restaurants and factories.Nearly every cat has its own personality.Some are friendly and want to cuddle2 up to you.Others are shy and keep their distance.

2.Where do cats live? Cattery is a nice word for a cat’s shelter. Cats are happy indoors and outdoors. They really hardly care.Cats like being out of doors.A cat’s fur can repel(阻挡)damp(潮湿)and keep it dry.

3.Most cats love to pounce(跳跃).A pounce is a sharp,quick move,like a football player on the attack.A pounce is an joy to watch.

4.Cats are great at keeping your home free of unwanted visitors.Cats don’t mind if you feed them on the dining table. But they usually won’t touch the foodstools,even if they are your most beloved tableware(餐具).

5.Cats can’t resist a mouse.Loved ones and pests(昆虫)is a hard life for a cat.Most people feed their cats without considering the effect of being fed by humans.Cats are used to hunting and eating other animals.Cats digest a mouse very easily.

6.The way a cat rubs against your leg indicates friendliness—or at least it means that the cat likes you. Whether a cat is male or female will determine if the cat likes to play rough or if it is a “nanny cat”.

7.The English name for cat, whichitproduces an English sound.Cats can make a sound like a human (alright). Cats produce noises to show pleasure and satisfaction (WOOF!)WOOF!).Cats can learn to talk.A German Shepherd in a cat’s shape did a great impression of Hitler.
